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1. Squat Jumps
◈ Start off by getting into squat position
◈ Jump as high as you can and land back into a squat position, that's 1 count
◈ Execute this exercise for a cetain amount of sets (preferably 20 counts)


2. Lunges
◈ Start off by standing straight up, feets together
◈ Step out your right leg (form a 90 degree) and lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor
◈ Get back up by drawing back your right leg and go back to the starting position, that's 1 rep
◈ Execute this exercise for a certain amount of sets (preferably 20 reps)


3. Side Lunges
◈ Start off by standing straight up, feets about twice shoulder-width apart
◈ Keep your right leg straight, push your hips to the left and bend your left knee
◈ Lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor
◈ Pause for 3 seconds then return to the starting position, that's 1 rep
◈ Execute this exercise for a certain amount of sets (preferably 20 reps)


4. Squats
◈ Start off by standing up straight, legs shoulder-width apart
◈ Bend your knees and body down
◈ Ensure that when you bend your knees, your knees do not exceed the front of your toe
◈ Get back up into standing position, that's 1 count
◈ Execute this exercise for a certain amount of sets (preferably 20 counts)


5. Wall Sits
◈ Start off by finding a wall and lean against the wall
◈ Bend your legs such that your thigh and calf form 90 degree while your thigh is perpendicular to the floor
◈ Keep your back to the wall and hold it there
◈ Hold at this position for a certain amount of time (preferably 30-60 seconds)

Last updated: 1 June 2019